Publication Ethics

Countries are interested in encouraging and supporting scientific research for the global benefit it achieves for humanity by increasing knowledge and various technologies that meet their basic needs and their material, educational, cultural and social aspirations. In view of the importance of scientific research in the human sciences, there are ethical principles that govern work in it, the most important of which are:

1. Choosing a research problem of scientific importance and value for the field of knowledge in which he works and for society in general, and for the research to contribute to an innovative addition to scientific knowledge in his field of specialization.

2. Taking into account the consistency of the research with human values .

3. Following the objectivity, seriousness and not fanaticism in opinion, and gratitude to those who contributed and participated in the research.

4. Scientific Secretariat in the competition for scientific publishing and submitting proposals in order to obtain financial support for some research projects.

5. Accuracy in quoting from different sources and documenting it accurately and safely according to one of the established systems.

6. Presenting previous studies objectively and impartially without diminishing or prejudicing the right of these studies.

7. Choosing the best scientific journals and periodicals with a high impact factor to achieve the desired benefit.

8. Respect for the research sample.

9. Availability of professional skills in scientific research (intellectual skills: knowledge of the current situation, awareness of the historical course, the criticism of the current situation), and experimental ones (implementation of the experiment, the ability to estimate relative accuracy).

10. Producing and understanding new knowledge as the core of the research activity.

11. Availability of specialized and adequate references, especially those published in other languages.

12. Publication is a tribute to the researcher, and a recognition of the property rights of this part of knowledge

13. Confidentiality of information to protect the identity of those targeted, and the physical or moral danger they may face.

14. Acknowledging the efforts and competence of other researchers, and the mutual understanding and respect between them.