Peer Review Process

1.  An electronic and hard copy is delivered buy the researcher to the journal's deputy editor-in-chief.

2. The journal's deputy editor-in-chief transfers the paper to the journal editor's secretariat.

3. The journal editor’s secretariat shall record correspondence in a special register and inform the researcher of receiving his research.

4. The Editorial Secretariat numbers the research received manually and electronically with serial numbers according to the date of receipt.

5. The editorial secretariat submits research and studies to the editor-in-chief, and if it finds initial acceptance, he sends it to at least two arbitrators who have experience and specialization in the subject of the research, to judge their originality, quality, value of their results and the safety of their presentation

6. The editor-in-chief of the journal transfers the research to the arbitrators after deleting the researcher's name or anything indicating his identity from the research.

7. Arbitration takes place blindly with respect to the two parties (arbitrator - researcher) so that neither one knows the other, in order to achieve objectivity.

8. The editor-in-chief of the journal receives the reports from the distinguished referees, and the editorial board issues its decision to publish the research or its response based on the results of the examination and arbitration, and then:

  • If the research is acceptable with amendments, the research is returned to the researcher through the deputy editor of the journal to make the required amendments, and the search is repeated for the arbitrators after making the amendments, and according to the opinion of the arbitrators, either the research is accepted for publication or the research is repeated for the researcher again to complete the modifications, and so on until Ensure that amendments are made and that the research is available for publication in light of the review of the arbitrators.

  • If the response of one of the arbitrators to one of the research is negative and the other is positive, he sends the research to a third arbitrator to settle the decision regarding publication.

9. If the research is rejected, the researcher is informed by the editor of the journal that the research is not acceptable for publication in the journal, with an explanation of the reasons for the rejection. 9 In the event that no arbitration reports are received for any research on the specified dates, the editorial secretariat presents the research to the editor-in-chief to take the necessary decisions regarding follow-up or replacement of arbitrators.

10. The Editorial Secretariat shall prepare a list of the researches that the editorial board agrees to publish with a hard copy of each research, and a copy on a CD, taking into account their conformity with the publishing rules and conditions in the journal, then sent for printing .

11. The first version of the journal shall be delivered to a proofreader for editing, taking into account the specification of a time period for auditing that does not exceed two weeks.

12. The editor-in-chief sends the issue to the printing press for printing.