Implementing Open and Distance Learning to Expand Higher Education in Developing Countries: A review of literature

Document Type : Scientific articles



This study aims to evaluate the use of ODL in Egypt, as a tool for expanding access to Higher Education (HE). This review aims at are seeking to discuss and understand the rationales’ and the methods that many developing countries have used to implement open and distance learning as a sub-system to expand the access of enrolling in their university degree systems. This review seeks to know the challenges and difficulties that many developing countries are facing to provide their people with more opportunities to participate in university degree programmes. Furthermore, the review seeks to analyse and understand the why open and distance learning has been suggested as one of the possible solutions for developing countries to expand their HE system to accommodate the additional numbers of pebble who want to enrol in university degree programmes. It is also important, to review the various terms and concepts related to this field of study (ODL).